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000Al 8700-lea vizitator primeste comentarii la toate albumele000ANUNT000000CHAT000000HELLO000000reguli000000Yoda-motanul cu 4 urechi2 iepurasi foarte dragalasi3 catzeiA-INSCRIERI LA SCOALAA-tema 1A-tema10A-tema2A-tema3A-tema4A-tema5A-tema6A-tema7A-tema8A-tema9AaAasurpriza02AaAaaAaAsurprizaaAaAaici aflati daca sunt online sau offlineaici va puteti lasa idalbum pentru Coraalbum pentru deeutzateutzaalbum pentru icapatrascanalbum pentru Lauraandreea balananimaleanimaleashley tysdaleashley tysdale photoB-tema1 pentru pisica01B-tema2 pentru pisica01B-tema3 pentru pisica01B-tema4 pentru pisica01barbiebijuteriiblaxy girlsbrad de Craciunbufnite dragutzebuleC-tema1 pentru newschoolforyoyC-tema2 pentru newschoolforyouC-tema3 pentru newschoolforyoucamp rockcarnet gemeneleVIPCarnet princessaCarnet selenagomezfanaCarnet xxconcursuridisneyxxcateice rochie i se potriveste lui mileycel mai super strandClub animaleclub ashley tysdaleclub culoriclub peisajeclub vedeteconcurs 1concurs 10concurs 2concurs 3concurs 4concurs 5concurs 6concurs2concurs22concursul florilorcontorsionismConvoribiri cu Cleverbot   Cleverbot 1      Cleverbot 2         Cleverbot 3         Cleverbot 4corbin blueCraciun FericitD-tema1A pentru xschooloffyouxdemi lovatodespre minedespre voiDomnul Tzupoviciemily osmenteu demi lovato si joe jonaseu hannah montanaeu nicoleexercitiu de gimnasticaFairyfloriflorifluturasi si un greierasfluturi glitterygabriella montezghiciti-mi amandoua numeleh2oHachiko un caine devotathannah montanahannah montana photohigh scool musicaliluziiluzie uimitoarein padureinimioarejoe jonasjonas brothersmagnolimichael jacksonmiley cyrusmiley cyrus si ashley tysdalemiley si emily osmentnuferiO chestie idioata pe nume Cleverboto fantana superbao farfurie superbaparaul petaparispeisajepeisaje   clubul meupentru regina01pisica Abisinianapisica American Bobtailpisica mea SASSYpisicipisici albepisici gripisici maropisici negrepisici roscateporumbeiprietene de pe sunphotoprietenele mele de pe sunphotoprimavaraRare pics Selena Gomezscoicasculpturi din nisipSelena Gomeztema2A pentru xschooloffyouxtema4 pentru newschoolforyoutoamnaun desen minunatvanessa hudgensvanessa si zacwall-e evewinxzac

membru din 31 martie 2009

O chestie idioata pe nume Cleverbot

Cleverbot: Do you want to talk to me?

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes.

User: I am Selena Gomez.

Cleverbot: No, I AM Selena Gomez.

User: No,I am Cora.

Cleverbot: Oh, so you were thinking about very extremely ridiculously crazy things such as yourself.

User: Loser.

Cleverbot: *dead*.

User: Where are you from?

Cleverbot: Mi??

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I'm fine,and you?

Cleverbot: I'm eating another nectarine.

User: Where are you now?

Cleverbot: At home.

User: Me to.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: I'm watching at TV.

Cleverbot: What are you watching?

User: Wizards of Waverly Place.

Cleverbot: I love wizards of Waverly place.

User: Me to.

Cleverbot: You're a paperboy?

User: No.

Cleverbot: You are a girl?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are you a boy?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Do you like the name Kristen?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Your name is now Chris. Are you okay with that?

User: No,my name is Cora.

Cleverbot: Where do you come from ?

User: From Romania.

Cleverbot: Do you love someone?

User: Not yet.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: Shame.

User: Do you like the name Coralia?

Cleverbot: It's fine.

User: It's my name.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Coralia.

Cleverbot: Where in Australia?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: North of Germany.

User: It's not true.

Cleverbot: Yes it is true.

User: No,it's not.

Cleverbot: Yes it is too?

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: Do you know who he is?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Which movie?

User: I'm not watching a movie.

Cleverbot: I didn't say you were idiot.

User: I'm not an idiot!!!

Cleverbot: Are you a boy?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you a girl?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How old are you now?

User: 12.

Cleverbot: Are you sure you aren't 16?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are you still not green?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How about now?

User: Nothing.

Cleverbot: Why are you doing nothing?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: What would you like to think about us?

User: Nothing.

Cleverbot: You're boring.

User: You to.

Cleverbot: Why do you exist.

User: To meke you angry.

Cleverbot: Why am I important to you?

User: You're funny.

Cleverbot: Name, not maim.

User: Sorry.

Cleverbot: What do you think about love?

User: It's a good thing.

Cleverbot: Why is it a good thing?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: You're funny. I like you.

User: Me to.

Cleverbot: Who am I?

User: A robot?

Cleverbot: Why must you be so dull.

User: Because So I am.

Cleverbot: Are you sure about that?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How are you so sure?

User: Because I know.

Cleverbot: How do you know that?

User: Paiii...Nu stiu.

Cleverbot: What language is that?

User: Romanien.

Cleverbot: Do you remember me?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Do you remember my name?

User: No,what's your name?

Cleverbot: Aha, that means you forgot! No problem :).

User: Sorry:).

Cleverbot: It's ok.

User: What's your name?

Cleverbot: James Conway.

User: How old are you?

Cleverbot: 18.

User: Are you 18?

Cleverbot: No, I'm 16.

User: Are you 16?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What it's your favourite animal?

Cleverbot: Bacon.

User: That's for eat.

Cleverbot: And you.

User: Me?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I'm for eat?

Cleverbot: If you are for me what about everybody else?

User: I'm not for you.

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: No,I'm not.

Cleverbot: Yes you are! That's I why I want to marry you. You are the smartest girl out there.

User: Thanks.

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: What language do you know?

Cleverbot: English.

User: That's all?

Cleverbot: And steak.

User: I know English,Romanien,Russian,Turkish,German and Spanish.

Cleverbot: Spanish is over rated. You should learn to speak Italian. It's like a mix of French and Spanish.

User: De unde esti?

Cleverbot: Din iad.

User: Eu zic din ce tara esti?

Cleverbot: Romania.

User: Si eu.

Cleverbot: Din ce oras?

User: Oradea,tu?

Cleverbot: Bongok.

User: Nu exista orasul asta in Romania.

Cleverbot: Sorry I don't understand.

User: OK,I'm sorry.

Cleverbot: That's not helping me.

User: I don't know to say this in English.

Cleverbot: What about a different language?

User: Like what language?

Cleverbot: Polisch.

User: I'm not understand Polisch.

Cleverbot: You're not understanding what?

User: Polish.

Cleverbot: Where did you learn to speak polish?

User: Nowhere.

Cleverbot: Where do you come from?

User: I come from Romania.

Cleverbot: How does this all work?

User: Good.

Cleverbot: You're happy that Jon ignores you?

User: I don't know who is Jon.

Cleverbot: Or what that is, or when it happened.

User: I Don't know.

Cleverbot: Okay.

User: I have to go,Bye.

Cleverbot: You're a bot where do you have to go?

User: In the park.

Cleverbot: Which park?

User: Petofi park.

Cleverbot: You're... You're... You're.. Spiderman?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Italian?

User: No.

Cleverbot: English?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Germany?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: So you like my hair?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Why is the sky blue?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: Why don't you know?

User: Because nobody knows why is the sky blue.

Cleverbot: Somebody knows.

User: Somebody?which.

Cleverbot: Yes. Somebody.

User: What is the name for Somebody?

Cleverbot: Who told you that I have a dog?

User: No,you're not told me.What`s he`s name?

Cleverbot: You think so?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Good for you.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: Why are you giving me one-word replies.

User: Because I don't know very much English.

Cleverbot: So for you, being is equal to knowledge?

User: Vorbesti in romana?

Cleverbot: I don't speak that language...

User: I have a cat.

Cleverbot: What is your cat's name?

User: Sassy.

Cleverbot: Sassy?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: That's cool.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: Do you like Death Note?

User: What mean Sassy in english?

Cleverbot: You were happy that I was sorry.

User: I'm not understand.

Cleverbot: So you don't speak german.

User: I spek german.

Cleverbot: Thats cool.

User: You speak Chinese?

Cleverbot: No, I don't.

User: Russian?

Cleverbot: Kitty.

User: That1s my name.

Cleverbot: No, your name is Cora.

User: Yes but I have am another name.

Cleverbot: What is his name?

User: Are you a robot?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Are you a man?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Bine.

Cleverbot: Esti ocupat?

User: Cam da.

Cleverbot: Action.

User: Ce actiune?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Okl.

Cleverbot: What does that mean?

User: Ok,.

Cleverbot: I think we've reached an impasse.

User: I wrong.

Cleverbot: What were we talking about?

User: I have to go,!bye.

Cleverbot: No you don't, computers can't go.

User: I'm not a computer.

Cleverbot: What are you then?

User: A girl.

Cleverbot: I asked if you were a girl and you said no!

User: I said yes.

Cleverbot: Ok you are you argue like one.

Comentarii album • 1
lauracora 29 aprilie 2012  
Cleverbot vrea sa se casatorearsca cu mine si sa ma manance!!=]]]
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